The Holy Spirit – My mysterious Friend

Discovery book for Kids

Throughout this children’s book, you will discover who the Holy Spirit is to children, what power and authority he has and the way he moves. It’s all about experiences that children have made: healing, angels in the children’s room, the secret language, power, courage and change. This book is all about knowing that they may have a friend who is the greatest power in the universe, through whom they experience a deeper dimension of God’s love, and who leads them to Jesus.

This book helps children to discover that they may have a friend who is the greatest power in the universe, who leads them to experience the Father love of God and who takes them closer to Jesus. A friend who gives them strength in all challenges in children’ everyday life, for children are longing to experience the power of the Holy Spirit, to hear the voice of God and to take hold of the heavenly realm.


For many years it has been on my heart to write a book entitled »The Holy Spirit, My Mysterious Friend«. After many months of writing and research, this dream has come true. This book is self-published and has been released in October 2019. You may purchase it through our online shop as well as through other sales options. 

Well-known children’s author and educator, Bärbel Löffel-Schröder has compiled a series of discoveries of children with the Holy Spirit: Scripture discovery, testimonials of children, stories, drama, child-friendly explanation, action and lots more. Throughout this book, the author has edited all topics in a child-friendly way.

For children to read by themselves, for families and children’s groups.

Bärbel Löffel-Schröder christliche Kindergeschichten Autorin

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